We service Los Altos, CA and surrounding areas including zip codes 94022, 94023, and 94024.


Understanding Los Altos ADU Requirements

If you’re considering an ADU project in Los Altos, Acton ADU is your guide through the city’s unique ADU regulations. Our comprehensive guide below demystifies everything from zoning laws to permit processes, ensuring you have a clear path to realizing your ADU vision. Trust us to simplify the complexities and make your journey to creating an ADU in Los Altos a smooth one.

Compliant Los Altos ADU Construction

In Los Altos, building an ADU that meets all regulatory standards is crucial. At Acton ADU, we specialize in navigating the city’s specific requirements. Our team ensures that your project adheres to Los Altos’s guidelines on unit size, setback distances, parking, and design. With our expertise, we’ll keep your ADU project compliant and on track for success.

Premier Collection of Permit-Ready ADU Plans for Los Altos

Ease and efficiency define the ADU planning process with Acton ADU in Los Altos. We offer a diverse array of permit-ready ADU plans, tailored to meet the unique requirements of Los Altos. Our extensive collection of pre-approved designs not only caters to your specific needs and tastes but also accelerates the permitting phase. Acton ADU ensures you have access to various ADU layouts and styles, each crafted for functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Choose Trusted ADU Builders in Los Altos

Selecting the right builders is crucial for a successful ADU project in Los Altos. Acton ADU stands out as a trusted name in ADU construction in the area, thanks to our in-depth knowledge of Los Altos’ ADU regulations to a commitment to exceptional craftsmanship. Find out why Acton ADU is your trusted partner for compliant and high-quality ADU construction in Los Altos.

Begin Your Los Altos ADU Project with Acton ADU

Start your Los Altos ADU project today with Acton ADU! We’re eager to assist you in bringing your ADU plans to fruition. Our team is committed to guiding you through every stage of the process, ensuring a seamless and successful experience. Contact us now to embark on your ADU journey in Los Altos.


The Construction of an ADU

Getting a high quality ADU built is no simple task. The process of planning and building an ADU in Los Altos, CA, has its challenges, but also has tremendous rewards. We endeavor to make it as simple for you as possible. . Here is a brief description of how it works:

  • The first step in establishing whether your project meets the requirements for an ADU is to validate it. To ensure your property conforms to all rules, we’ll inspect it. Answer the question of what can actually be built on your property legally.
  • We’ll work with you to personalize your ADU.. There are numerous pre-designed layouts available that can be used right out of the box or tweaked to your needs. There are also many interior packages to choose from, with a variety of design options.
  • Once designed, we’ll acquire your ADU permit and then start building your ADU. Our experienced craftsmen will begin ADU construction to the exact specifications.

The Acton ADU procedure is intended to be straightforward. To ensure that your ADU in Los Altos, CA, is exactly what you’ve envisioned, we’ll work directly with you at every stage. To start working on your project right now, get in touch with us!


Your ADU Contractors in Los Altos, CA

Acton ADU, operates in Los Altos, CA, as well as many other cities in the Bay Area. We have a group of knowledgeable experts who can work with you to design and construct the best ADU for your requirements. We also understand the applicable code requirements and can secure the required permissions for your project.

Adding an ADU can increase your home’s living space, potential income, and value. An ADU may be used for any purpose you can think of, such as a guest house or a home office. You might utilize additional space on your Los Altos, CA, property that would otherwise go unused by adding an ADU. Call Acton ADU right away to get started!

Questions about ADUs in Los Altos? Inquire Below
  • Attached
  • Detached
  • Conversion
  • Junior

Get All the ADU Zoning & Regulation Details

CITY OR COUNTYLos Altos, California
DATE UPDATED11/14/2022
TYPES OF ADUSAttached, Detached, Conversion, Junior
LOT SIZENo minimum
MAXIMUM ADU FLOOR AREAa. Attached:1200 sq ft but no more than 50% of the floor area of an existing or proposed primary dwelling (excluding basement area)
b. Detached: 1200 sq ft including basement area
c. Junior: 500 sq.ft.
KITCHENa. Require separate kitchen facilities with food preparation counter and a storage counter of reasonable size in relation to the ADU.
b. Attached/Detached: Must include at least a sink, a refrigerator of no less than 10 cubic feet, and either a cooktop and an oven, or a range.
c. Junior: Efficiency kitchen, as per state law. Cooking appliances can includes a hot plate, or counter-top cooking. A wall installed oven is not required.
BATHAt least one separate bathroom facility is required.
Note: Drainage and sewer connections should be assessed on a project by project basis.
PARKINGa. ADU must have one parking space per unit or per bedroom, whichever is less. 
b. No parking standards shall be imposed on an ADU that is: (a) located within one-half mile of a public transit stop or station, (b) located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district, (c) is part of the proposed or existing primary dwelling or an existing accessory structure, (d) not offered on-street parking permits, (e) within one block of a car share vehicle.
c. No parking required for JADU.
SETBACKS4 ft rear; 4 ft side
Note: Fire Department regulations should be assessed on a project by project basis.
HEIGHTa. Attached: the greater of 16 ft or the height of the underlying zoning district 
b. Detached: 16 ft
LOCATIONADU cannot face the street.
REAR YARD COVERAGEMust comply with coverage standards of the underlying zoning district.
DESIGNa. ADU must relate to the primary dwelling by use of similar exterior wall materials, window types, trims, roofing material and roof pitch. A minimum sill height of 5’ on the second story within 15’ of the property line that face out to the neighbors to mitigate privacy concerns.
b. Landscaping of ADU must meet the standards of the underlying zoning district.
c. Daylight plane requirements are as follows:
1. Daylight plane starts at 8’ at property line and proceeds inward at 6:12 slope. At 10’ from property line, structure can increase to 16’
2. Daylight plane not enforced for structures that abut a city street or alleyway in the rear of the parcel
Note: Historic Neighborhoods or Districts should be assessed on a project by project basis.
ENTRYWAYSMust be separate from existing primary dwelling.

ORDINANCE NO. 2020 – 473
SOURCE CODEImportant Note: Rules and regulations are updated and changed frequently. It’s one of our jobs to be up to speed and navigate those regulations. Let us know if our website isn’t up to date or if you have any information that could help. Cheers!

