Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Fall Home Maintenance Tips For California Homeowners Autumn is just around the bend, so it’s time for your house to get in ship-shape for the cool months ahead. While the fall season can be busy, with homeowners taking stock and preparing for inclement weather, it is also the very best time to make use of…

Los Altos Homeowners Can Beat the Housing Crunch with ADUs

Los Altos Homeowners Can Beat the Housing Crunch with ADUs

With many Bay Area residents feeling the squeeze of the affordable housing crisis, one possible solution comes in the form of accessory dwelling units (ADU). These small homes/cottages share the same lot as the primary residence and are a great way to create additional living space and even provide extra income for homeowners. Want to…

Home Remodeling and Energy Efficiency: What Is Title 24 and How Does It Apply to Me?

Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations, known as the California Building Standards Code or plain old “Title 24,” governs the construction of buildings in California, including those dealing with energy efficiency standards. The standards establish a minimum level of building energy efficiency. Title 24 has received more prominence lately due to…

San Jose Ordinance Changes Let More Homeowners Add ADUs

San Jose Ordinance Changes Let More Homeowners Add ADUs

With soaring demand and high housing costs, Northern California homeowners have long needed a solution to the housing crisis. What many of them are learning is that adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) can create extra living space on their property and even provide a new source of income. San Jose’s City Council has also…

8 Reasons Why Homeowners Build ADUs

More and more homeowners see the value in adding an ADU to their property—particularly in California where we arguably have some of the most expensive residential property in the country. To combat financial challenges and land shortages, ADUs are serving many purposes, depending on homeowners’ needs throughout their lives. To find out why homeowners might want…

A Guide to Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Part I

Follow the Transformation of this Los Gatos Mother-in-Law Suite ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Units) are becoming more and more popular in California as rising home prices, lack of inventory and a growing interest in rental incomes create the perfect opportunity for California homeowners to earn extra income while providing affordable housing to the surrounding community. ADU Laws…

Spring Cleaning Tips: Decluttering Countertops with Hidden Charging Stations

Stroll through your neighbor’s kitchen or take a look around your own house and chances are you will see counters littered with the electronic gadgets of everyday life. Keeping cell phones, Ipods and tablets close at hand in rooms that get a lot of usage makes sense. But we don’t necessarily need to see all…

Solve the Dilemma of Buying a Move-In Ready Home or a Fixer Upper Pros vs. Cons

When you begin your search for a new home, there is a lot to consider, including where you want to live, how much you can afford, and how much work you want to put into it. And, there is also the important need to assess a new home based on your current and future lifestyle…