7 Reasons to Build an ADU House for Your Aging Parent
Are you caring for an aging parent? If so, you’re in good company. Over 40 million Americans are currently acting as caregivers to relatives over the age of 65.
As our parents age, we want to give them the best life possible. Moving them into your home may not be possible or practical. But building an ADU house could be the perfect solution.
Let’s take a look at 7 reasons to build an ADU house for your aging parents.
1. Retain Their Independence
Helping our aging relatives retain their independence as long as possible is the gold standard of elderly care.
If you build an ADU house in your backyard, you allow your aging parents to retain their independence and dignity. They still have a separate home to call their own. A home to decorate and arrange as they choose.
They will be able to prepare their own meals. Invite friends over. They’ll have their own front door they can close and shut the world out!
2. Close, but Independent
While your elderly relative retains their independence, you have the security of knowing they’re close by. Dropping round to see them only means walking across the yard, rather than a car journey.
It’s much easier for you to help them with anything they find challenging. As their independence declines, it will be much easier for you to arrange for carers to come in.
An added bonus is that your children get to spend more time with their grandparent/s. You can strengthen these intergenerational bonds.
3. Easier to Manage
Prior to moving into your ADU house, your parent may still have been living in the family home. As we get older, managing the running of a large house can become overwhelming.
There is maintenance to care for. Bills to pay. Lawn services and gardeners to start to arrange.
By bringing your aging parent into a backyard cottage, you alleviate most of these concerns. They get to enjoy your garden, but you make the maintenance arrangements.
They will also have a smaller, more manageable home to clean. Because it’s a new build, maintenance will be practically zero. They can just get on with enjoying life.
4. Lower Living Expenses for Parents
No one wants their aging parent to spend their golden years worrying about living expenses. For many older people on a fixed income, paying all the expenses of a family home can be overwhelming.
However, in an ADU home, their outgoings will be much lower. They will spend less on utilities. They will benefit from your yard, and not have to pay for its upkeep.
Many people finance their ADU house using home equity loans. Depending on your circumstances, and where you live, this may cost less than renting an equivalent property.
Thus it can make financial sense to house your aging parent close by, in a property you own. This takes away the uncertainty of renting a nearby property for them on the open market.
5. Practical Design and Layout
Many people build their ADU homes specifically to house elderly relatives. Lots of accessory dwelling units floor plans are designed with elderly living in mind.
This means accessible bathrooms. Kitchens that are compact but easy to use. Wide doorways and easy access to all parts of the ADU home. Fire prevention and more.
You can rest easy knowing that your aging parent is living in a purpose-built dwelling, designed with their safety in mind.
Choosing from accessory dwelling units floor plans doesn’t mean you sacrifice individuality. You have a wide range of choices, plus there are many ways that you can make your personalized build your own.
Your parent can also contribute ideas and items that will help them feel at home. Surround them with familiar pictures, furniture, and other accessories. This can make the transition as smooth as possible.
6. Safe and Secure
It can be nerve-wracking knowing that our precious elderly parents are on their own and vulnerable. Knowing that they are safely housed in a backyard cottage on your property can give you – and them – incredible peace of mind.
Also, if they should ever have a fall or other accident, you’ll be able to get to them in double-quick time. It’s much more likely that you or another family member will be around to give them the help they need.
You also have control over the security of the ADU house. You can install locks and security systems that give you the reassurance you need.
7. Boosts Property Value
When thinking about adding a backyard cottage to house an aging parent, property value is probably the last thing on your mind.
However, adding a personalized build can actually have a big impact on your home’s resale value. In the future, other families in the situation you’re in now will see it as a great asset. It could increase the resale value of your home by up to 51%.
Of course, the higher quality and more beautiful and functional backyard homes are, the more value they will add. As you design your personalized-built, take into account the return on investment.
Choose Acton ADU to Build Your ADU House
Building an ADU house for your aging parent is a great way to give them the best quality of life possible. They retain their independence for as long as they can. At the same time, you and your family are on hand to provide extra support as they need it.
Don’t take a chance with your personalized build. Trust Acton ADU to deliver the ADU home you’re looking for.
We are ADU home specialists, with over 30 years of home-building experience. Our extensive library of ADU designs is pre-approved by the City of San Jose, meaning we can get to work for you faster.
Contact us today and an ADU specialist will be in touch to discuss your plans.